Tag Archives: bed bugs in hair

Bed Bug Protection in the Form of Arm Hair?

Bed Bugs and Arm HairNew studies indicate that bed bugs are less likely to bite individuals with more arm hair. Researchers believe this is because the hair slows down the bed bugs and warns the person being bitten. A few brave individuals volunteered to test this theory. Bed bug bites are in fact most likely to occur on the face, wrists and feet; where hair is least likely to grow.

Researchers have gone so far as to suggest that preventing bed bug and other insect bites are the reason why we have arm hair. While this theory may sound extreme, it is plausible considering that the thin hair covering our arms and legs is not quite long enough to protect us from the elements, as it does for other mammals.

Read more about bed bug prevention at our Bed Bug Knowledge Center.

Bed Bugs in Hair

Protect a bed, a couch, a chair from getting bed bugs because they might end up in your hair! There is tons of information out there about getting rid of bed bugs from your homes and clothes but what happens when you get bed bugs in your hair? Who even knew you could get bed bugs in hair?

Bed bugs Prefer Brunettes

bed bug in hairBed bugs go everywhere! And it might make you want to consider shaving off all your hair, but bed bugs can get in your hair. Unlike lice, bed bugs do not prefer to be in hair; what the bed bugs prefer is skin. However, hair does have some attractive qualities to bed bugs. Bed bugs like warm environments and a head covered with hair is warm.  They also prefer dark places and hair can provide this a dark hidden sanctuary for bed bugs – which can mean that bed bugs probably prefer brunettes.

Bed bugs travel very quickly from one place to another, so lying in an infested bed or putting your head on a couch with bed bugs can easily cause the bugs to transfer to your hair. As gross as bed bugs in hair sounds, it’s not as bad as you think. Bed bugs are unable to navigate through hair as efficiently as lice can so simply using a nit comb or lice shampoo can easily get rid of bed bugs from your hair.

The best way to prevent getting bed bugs in your hair, is to prevent getting bed bugs in your home. Protect your bed, couches and belongings with the proper bed bug proof encasements that trap bed bugs and prevent infestations keeping the bed bugs away from your skin and hair.