Tag Archives: bed bug info

Modern Bed Bug Statistics with Images!

Bed bug graphic by Moxie Pest Control

Prevent Bed Bugs Today!

Bed bugs are on the Rise!

New Bed Bug Statistics including:

  • Bedbug populations have increased by 500% in the past few years
  • Bed bugs in Manhattan schools may be up by nearly 300%
  • Bed bugs live in a U.S. state near you!
  • Most people fear getting bed bugs while staying at a hotel, but few people inspect thier clothing and hotel rooms for bed bugs!
  • Getting rid of bed bugs can easily cost over $1,000 USD.
  • See below for more, inclusing bed bug prevention tips!

Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
Text by: http://www.bedbug.com

Graphical Depiction by: bedbugs.org

Bed bug research searches for new ways to kill bed bugs

Be d bug elimination has become increasingly difficult and expensive. Killing bed bugs takes up time and often involves paying hundreds of dollars to fumigators or bed bug exterminators.

bed bug research to kill bed bugs

Feeding Containment Chamber with 2 Adult Bed Bugs

Entomologist Coby Schal of North Carolina State University (NCSU) was recently awarded a $75,000 grant to research new ways to eliminate bed bugs. I recently read a post in response to our youtube bedbug video that read:

I can not believe that we can send men to the moon, probes into space, creating drones to the war, but when small bugs have come is the age of caves, pathetic! !

But since the elimination of DDT, these small bugs seem to be a true cause for concern for many people. We already know that bed bugs are attracted to human heat and CO2. This recent NCSU bed bug research is currently working to understand what exactly bed bugs are attracted to within human blood, so that one day we can create an effective bed bug trap to be able to eliminate these critters in a cost effective way. To watch a video about this research, please click here.

  • How much money have you spent getting rid of bed bugs? Vote Here


DIY: Home made bed bug prevention

Mattress bed bugs infested

Bed bugs crawling on the corner of a mattress

Once you’ve got bed bugs, we don’t recommend taking things into your own hands. That’s why exterminators were invented.

But what can you do to prevent bed bugs at home before that happens?

Here are some quick and easy steps typically recommended by bed bug professionals:

  1. Make sure your bed is not touching the wall
  2.  Remove excess clutter from your apartment or wall
  3.  If your neighbor has bed bugs, make sure to get your apartment checked out too (p.s. This is a new law about adjacent apartments in NY state!)
  4. Keep personal items like purses off of the floor, especially in public areas.
  5. Make a moat to protect your bed! Putting some talcom powder in a plastic bowl can prevent bed bugs from being able to climb onto your bed.
  6. Encase, just in case! Buy clothing and mattress protectors that are certified bed bug proof, to ensure that bed bugs cannot bite through.